I drew inspiration for my poem, Concert for the Passed-By, from the picture above. It struck me how empty and lonely the whole scene looks, with a vacated bench, and a tree, as if both objects were on an island of their own. I likened the bench to an empty seat in an auditorium, and the tree, grass, wind and other elements of nature as the stage players. Like buskers, nature's stage players play on, in hope of catching a passer-by's attention and yet, we pass them on.
Concert for the Passed-By
The wind blows ---
For who?
The birds sing ---
For who?
The rain beats down ---
For who?
For who does the sun shine for?
For who does the cloud shield?
For who does the tree stand?
For who was she made?
The wind blows ---
For the man who is tucked up in his office.
The birds sing ---
For the girl with her earphones plugged in.
The rain beats down ---
Upon the children of this age.
For who does the moon glow for?
For who does the flower bloom?
For who does the river flow?
For who was she made?
The wind blows ---
And they pulled their skins closer.
The birds sing ---
And they shut the windows tighter.
The rain beats down ---
And they run and hide, under concrete cover the new God provides.
For who does the thunder clap?
For who does the wolf howl?
For who was she made?
For who does the chorus sing?
For who does the music of the forest play?
~ Cheryl Julia 2F06
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