Saturday, 17 March 2007

Elysia Ong 2A/06

This poem is about the beauty of nature and how I feel about nature. I drew inspiration from Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s style of writing about personal experiences. It is my experience in Botanic Gardens and the feeling nature has given me. This poem may give a feeling of nature being superior and sacred, a belief of William Blake. It starts with a new beginning (child), then talks about being old and describes the journey in between. It is a journey through nature, or in fact, a journey through life.

My Journey through Nature

Listen! There goes the twittering
Of the bird in the bare tree.
High-pitched and giggling,
Like a playful child running around thee.

The trunks, the bark and the twigs,
Brown, bare, battered and big.
Like an worn old man
Full of wrinkles and a wig.

Through the path of nature I walk,
With scent of flowers in the air.
I could hear the nature talk
As I journeyed on towards nowhere.

I stopped in my tracks
As something caught my eye.
Oh! what a pretty sight it was,
A mini waterfall with sparkling blue water.

Splish! Splash!
Water flowing downwards.
I felt the sprays of water,
Or to me, the Sprays of Life.

Plants grew within the water,
Animals lived in the water.
Flow, carry on flowing till it stops,
The water that gave life.

Onward journeying, I chanced upon
A pavilion of beige creamy colour.
Amongst the trees it stood alone,
Protected by the wonders of nature.

And there I rested, taking in everything,
The sky, the trees, the birds.
I was getting exhausted, slowly
Taking my time, lingering.

And finally, I reached
The end of my journey.
That seemingly dark and black entrance
Will lead to the end… or start of new journey?

Ong Wei Xi Elysia

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