My first picture:

As you can see, this picture is showing a rubbish bin amidst plants and grass. The bin looks as if it has been completely enveloped on all three sides by plants. This shows how much respect and concerns that we give to our nature. Although we are preserving and protecting many different species of plants and trees, this photo signifies that we people neglect and disresect these local plants, shrubs and grass to the extent of collecting rubbish near them. Here, there is only disjuncture between us and nature. The situation looks as if humans take all the good things provided by nature and give all the bad things to plants and animals though they too deserve the good things. The dark shades of the rubbish bin shows as if we are throwing the unpleasant sides to nature.
Although by throwing biodegradable wastes, we improve the fertility of the soil, much of the wastes collected in these areas are non-biodegradable ones such as plastic cups, bags, etc. This only adds to the injury being done to Mother Nature. Thus, by placing a rubbish bin amid plants and shrubs, we consider nature more or less like rubbish.
In Urban societies, Nature is not given an important position by people. It can be said to be taken for granted although we know that people, animals, plants and trees are all interdependant. Everyone, from the smallest micro organism to the biggest elephant, play an important role on Earth.
My second picture:

This picture on the other hand shows the harmony between the animals, birds and the trees and then again the interference of human activities. However humans have intervened and have altered the surrounding. In this large space, we can only find two to four trees which contain labels and descriptions. From one point of view, these trees and shrubs look like special statues and models in a museum which are out for display.
If you can look at the picture closely, there are some squirrels near the two trees and a few birds at the far end of the photo. These animals have adapted themselves to this surrounding and are able to survive. The different shades, from light green to the dark green signify that peace is maintained between plants and animals.
By comparing ourselves to these animals, we can see that the place we give for nature is much lower than what they give. We seem to side track from nature and are not really in harmony with nature.
Third picture:
This photo is showing a pavement built around plants. This situation can be seen through many aspects which show both harmony and disjuncture between nature and humans.
There is harmony because this man made pavement helps to seperate the area into territories. By doing this, man will use the pavement and avoid stepping or disturbing the plants and the plants too enjoy their own area. This ensures peace and good understanding between Nature and us. However on the other hand, the fact that such a small space is given to the plants(the small green patch in the centre of the pavement) while a large space is given to visitors, shows a kind of a disrespect given to nature.
The green patch showing peace and harmony is cut by the hard, red concrete pavements. The introduction of a pavement in urban societies shows that man crosses the path of nature in order to benefit himself. This crossing over could benefit nature sometimes but in most cases, harm is done.
G Girish 2C'06
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