The image above shows a huge tree in the backdrop with a wooden bench as the focus of attention in the photo. Nature plays a very significant part in our lives, and without her beauty and useful products that she provides, man cannot progress and become very useless and helpless as a result. Most of Man’s creations and inventions require the use of materials which are derived from nature. Nature is able to provide Man with food, beauty, materials and shelter, and is thus a very crucial part of every Man’s life. In the photo above, Nature can be seen holding a very dominant role, the plants behind the man-made structure are very significant in the photo. However there is no doubt that Man plays a role too, his creation, although cannot be done without the use of wood, which is a material derived from nature, is very useful and can provide other mankind with the comfort by allowing them to take a stop from whatever they are doing and have a break.
In the urban society today, despite man’s superiority over nature, nature plays an important role.
It provides man with the basic necessities for survival, such as air, food and water. Even the buildings, vehicles and other products that man are reliant on are created with materials that are derived form nature. Thus the role of nature cannot be played down, and cannot be regarded as useless, insignificant or redundant as Man is ever so reliant on it. However Man interferes with nature for personal interests. In the name of development, Man has cut down trees, burnt forest and extracted oil from earth, the various activities that man has indulged in the name of progress and development has put a huge strain on the resources of nature and they have negative effects towards nature, such as air pollution and even climate change. However it seems that Nature seems to strike back by having more occurrences of stronger and more disastrous natural disasters, seemingly implying that we reap what we sow. If man remains blinded by the riches that are associated with progress and neglects Nature that is so important to him, it will eventually lead to his downfall.
The image above portrays a weak-stemmed plant climbing and clinging onto a man-made net supported by a wooden structure. It is through this structure where the plant is able to climb higher up in its attempt to gain more sunlight so that it can photosynthesize better, and this shows the fact that Man and Nature are inter-dependant and cannot be separated from each other. In this case we can see that Nature is reliant on man and his man-made structure for survival, as photosynthesis is a crucial process for the survival of a plant. However, the materials that were used to make the structure also prove the point that Man is reliant on Nature. This is proven by the fact that Man uses natural materials, such as wood to build structures. This image is thus a very significant one as it stresses the fact that Man and nature are very closely bonded, and that they are able to coexist in harmony together, as shown by the fact that the colours in the image produce a very compatible and soothing blend.
In the urban society, nature is viewed as being the inferior party as compared to Man, as Man often has the power and ability to strictly control nature, and in this case it is shown by Man’s ability to control plants growing wildly. Nature is thus forced to succumb and accommodate to Man’s needs and are restrained by Man’s control, which can again be seen by them being forced by Man’s control to grow along a proper structure in an orderly manner so that it can be used as a tool to beautify the surroundings.
This image shows some trees in front of a tall barrier while behind the barrier there are some trees on a slope full of fallen leaves and decaying matter. The image depicts the superiority of Man as compared to nature. But at the same time, Nature cannot be regarded as useless or irrelevant and thus be looked down upon. This is proven by the numerous lushy green leaves that can be seen in the photo above, this shows that Nature can easily outnumber any of our man-made structure or even out number man themselves, and this implies that Nature has a powerful ability to stand out and catch our attention with their vast numbers. Despite Nature’s ability to focus our attention on its beauty, it is undeniable with a second glance at the photo above, the barrier at the back becomes noticeable and eventually turns into our focus of attention. The barrier seems to serve as a division in nature, signifying that Man are the ones with the power and are able to control and create the divisions they want, as well as where to place these divisions.
In the urban society, although there is little focus on nature, but when he stops to enjoy or appreciate the magnificence and beauty of nature, he is just awed and amazed by its stunning beauty. He begins to look at the very specific details of nature while admiring the gorgeous sceneries. However, despite Man being attracted to Nature’s beauty, his focus will eventually return to the bustling and lively city life.
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