Wednesday, 21 March 2007

Debbie Goh Hui Lin - 2B06


The picture that I took above inspires some hope into me. I was feeling extremely down because nothing had come to my mind while walking through the evolution garden. A single shoot sprouting out of a ground covered by dead leaves gave me thought that all is not lost yet and that there’s always hope. Interestingly for or some reason, it seemed to make a connection to my life currently.
I read the bible every night as part of my quiet time, and attend church regularly. The pastor would preach the word of God to me, and though I comprehend what he says, I can never quite apply it to my daily life. In fact, I struggle a lot because I want to obey God very much, but I am inadequate. Ironically, I am aware that it is because I depend on myself rather than on God.
While walking in the park, I was consciously aware of God’s wonder and power, and how beautiful his creation was. I started to appreciate nature although still no inspiration was coming to me. Subconsciously, my spirit began to be uplifted. When I came across that wonderful spot where I took the picture, I thought that God seemed to be speaking to me, and for once, it was through the magnificence of nature’s beauty, that he was telling me not give up in whatever struggles I was facing in life. Most importantly, I have learnt that, whenever I am feeling down I can be sure that I’ll look at the nature around me, and seek God for hope. In a sense, since nature is all around me, I can rest be assured that God will always be there for me to offer me a sense of tranquility.

God’s world

I said
I will guard my ways, I will not sin with my tongue.
I will flee from the hands of the unjust men; I will not succumb to the hands of the wicked
For my enemies speak again and again,
“His God has forsaken him, let’s seize him!”

Countless times,
I keep silent
I hold on to my peace, but to no avail.
My heart is burning!
The furnace is many times the sun.

Oh world! I cannot hold thee close enough!
The blue jay and the chickadee
The chipmunk and his seeds
The rabbits and the sun
Ah! Genesis and all its wonder

Long have I recognized a glory in it all
But never did I know this:
At no time will all the leaves fall.
And now, Lord, for what do I wait?
My hope is in thee

By: Debbie Goh Hui Lin - 2B06

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