This poem is about a child wanting to escape from the destruction of Nature and reunite with the untouched Nature. It is a 'conversation' between the mother and child. At the start, the child is still young and as the poem continues, the child gets older. I was inspired by personal experiences, about how Nature is being destroyed, resulting in the lost of one's childhood.


A group of family and friends in the Botanic Gardens
The Big Black 'thing' - PIPES
Mommy, what's that black 'thing' over there?
The pretty flowers were growing,
But now it's bare.
Who would do such a thing?
Who would even dare?
Please mommy, get that big black monster away,
So that the friendly flowers will come back to stay.
My dear child,
There is nothing much we can do,
Don't you worry
I feel the same way too.
I'll bring you somewhere far away,
Somewhere nice;
A place with beautiful butterflies
Every being, HUMAN being,
Living under the clear blue sky,
Trying to lift up their life a trifle;
Just watching the world go by
Nature being destroyed, is that want you want to see?
How could they do such a horrible thing to nature?
Oh poor poor Mother Nature.
Oh Mother,
Take me somewhere far away.
Witnessing the destruction of Nature,
I really can't bear to stay.
Take me to a place where nature is untouched,
A place little children can run astray.
That would probably make my day.
I would love to my child,
But everywhere else is all the same.
All around the world,
Nature is being tamed.
Oh how cruel man can be,
Nature is almost gone,
It might be the end of the nature's sweet song.
Oh how much I miss the flowers dancing with the wind,
The sweet fragrance and vigour;
Oh how much I miss the humming of the birds,
The sweet lullaby;
Oh how much I miss Mother Nature
The sweet Mother Nature;
Oh please don't EVER let this end.
1 comment:
It is a pretty interesting idea to use a 'conversation' between a mother and child in the poem to express your feelings, rather then saying it out directly.
The child supports nature rather than Man's actions, and he also sounds very innocent in the poem. Due to his innocence, he seems to be vulnerable and weak just like how nature is now to Man's exploitations. By using this method, you seemed to have linked nature to that of a young child.
The hopes and things nature probably wants to tell Man are said out by the young child in the poem. The child's innocence and pleas may actually appeal to more people as most people are a lot more aware of a child's vulnerability to dangers compared to nature's. This may actually cause people to symphathise with nature to a greater extent and therefore cause more people to think about the current state of nature and think about ways they can contribute to conserve nature.
Overall nice poem, well done, keep it up! =D
Jun Xiang 2A'06
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