Like the creeper, man cannot survive on its own. Without nature and its resources, man would soon become extinct from starvation and other factors yet man is ungrateful, he takes more than he needs from nature simply because he feels that the more the better. He exploits nature’s resources building things that he does not need simply because he can build it.
Man’s actions will lead to his destruction sooner or later. With his exploitation of nature and its resources, man is progressing faster towards his doom like a moth drawn to flame. If man does not stop or slow down his exploitation of nature, he would go quicker to his extinction. Nature does not need man to survive. It survived when the dinosaurs went extinct; it would continue to survive even after man is extinct.
The preservation of nature in today’s modern society has become more important. I think it is more important compared to economic development because money is but paper, you cannot bring it with you when you die. Nature should play a more important part in modern society than it is playing now.

This is the picture of plants enclosed by a wooden “enclosure” with some plants breaking free of the “enclosure”. Man, in this case, is symbolized by the “enclosure”, Nature, as the plants inside the “enclosure”. Man is always trying to tame nature, trying to conquer it, trying to prove himself as the supreme master of the universe. Nature, however, is not giving in without a fight. Just like the plants breaking free of the “enclosure”, Nature is trying to break out of Man’s control.
Man cannot tame nature totally as there will always be a part that escapes. The best man can do is to try to contain it and even so, nature will always prevail. It will always find a way out of the prison man creates for it. Nature is never fully tame; it will always try its best to escape. Some examples include tree roots cracking the concrete slab, plants growing in the cracks of concrete slabs.
In the picture, the green grass and tree trunk seem much brighter when compared to the dull grey of the concrete slab. It is as if nature is trying to brighten the dull man-made landscape with its bright colours, making the world seem more beautiful, more colourful.
This characteristic of Nature, to survive despite obstacles, makes nature hard for man to control thus we can find plants growing everywhere. Examples are fungus growing beside the sink, plants growing within the cracks and the odd plant in some weird places. The colours that nature adds to our landscapes give our landscape a different dimension. The trees planted along the roadside make Singapore seem a brighter and less dreary place. Nature brightens up our landscape and makes Singapore seem a more beautiful place and without the addition of colours from nature, Singapore will look duller so I think Singapore cannot do without nature, there should always be a place for nature in modern society.
Man cannot tame nature totally as there will always be a part that escapes. The best man can do is to try to contain it and even so, nature will always prevail. It will always find a way out of the prison man creates for it. Nature is never fully tame; it will always try its best to escape. Some examples include tree roots cracking the concrete slab, plants growing in the cracks of concrete slabs.
In the picture, the green grass and tree trunk seem much brighter when compared to the dull grey of the concrete slab. It is as if nature is trying to brighten the dull man-made landscape with its bright colours, making the world seem more beautiful, more colourful.
This characteristic of Nature, to survive despite obstacles, makes nature hard for man to control thus we can find plants growing everywhere. Examples are fungus growing beside the sink, plants growing within the cracks and the odd plant in some weird places. The colours that nature adds to our landscapes give our landscape a different dimension. The trees planted along the roadside make Singapore seem a brighter and less dreary place. Nature brightens up our landscape and makes Singapore seem a more beautiful place and without the addition of colours from nature, Singapore will look duller so I think Singapore cannot do without nature, there should always be a place for nature in modern society.
Being among Nature (the flowers, the trees, even the rocks and rivers) could always bring men calmness. For me, I have always liked beaches, forests, places where I can “get in touch” with nature. For example, sitting on a beach with wind blowing at my face has always made me feel no worries, as if the wind had blown my troubles away. Just like the woman and boy in the picture, I like walking on grass, feeling the crunching of grass beneath my feet, using my toes to close the leaves of the mimosa.
Now, in Singapore, there are few spots of nature left. The preservation of nature has become secondary to economic development. Few people care about preserving what little bits of nature we have left, most people only care about money. Maybe one day, the above picture will never appear again. Real trees, flowers may be replaced by artificial ones and nobody will know the delight at smelling the flowers, running barefooted on the grass.
Tay Xiu Yu 2A
First Photo:
Good photo to represent Man & Nature. I just want to comment on your second paragraph. What you said, "he takes more than he needs from nature simply because he feels that the more the better. He exploits nature’s resources building things that he does not need simply because he can build it." I do not fully agree. We do take things from nature to do stuff that we need. We take natural resources like fossil fuels for our industries. But I agree with the rest of your response.
Second Photo:
You mention colours of nature trying to brighten up the man-made landscape. Isn't that what Man wants nature to do? Singapore plants trees and other plants on the roadside etc. That is because we wanted them to. Take the expressway to the airport for example. The beautiful flowers planted there, aren't they just for welcoming the foreigners to Singapore? It is as if nature is still being controlled by Man (in the aspect of colours that you said). Maybe you could just compare the colours of nature and the colours of man-made things. Like nature's colours are much more beautiful and Man still need nature's colours for our own purpose...
Third Photo:
I'm not too sure about what you said: nature always bring men calmness. I mean, there's the duality of nature present, isn't there? For example, the sea. When we go on cruise etc, the sea is definitely bringing us a sense of relaxation. However, when the tsunami comes, does the sea still bring calmness? I agree with your last paragraph. The time has come where most people do not care much about nature anymore.
Good interpretation of the photos. Perhaps you could have discussed more about the colour and lighting of the photos. But your write-up about how the photo says of the place of nature in urban society today was relatively good. (:
hey, dear friend, i didn't know you were so sophisticated!(:
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