I was inspired by this little tree, all alone by itself without fellow saplings around it. Only grown mature trees were around. I knew soon enough it would be just like the others, and would not fall to just a light trod. The fertilizer around it would aid it in its quest for growth and beauty for all to behold in the botanical gardens. This inspiration gave me the idea to compose this limerick.
Little Tree
Once there was a little tree
Who sat under the sun.
He wished someday that he could be
A really huge one
He looked to his right and asked his brother,
“How did you grow so tall?”
His brother pointed to the fertilizer;
“Make sure you suck it all”
When the workers came out that night
And evenly spread out peat.
Little tree erected to full height
To see what he could eat.
“Dubious dung, it stings my tongue!”
Said little tree as he burped
“Calm down, o little one,
you don’t want to stay a squirt!”
Little tree little tree,
Didn’t stay little for long.
He ate and ate obediently
And proved the humans wrong.
“Cant control me as you want!”
And the children were afraid,
For if they dared to poke him even once,
His fruits would strike their heads.
Glen Ko
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