This picture was taken because it inspired me to feel what the captivated swans at the Botanical Gardens do. This poem has been written in the perception of the swans, and it expresses how pathetic they feel because of their sad, captivated life. We, the humans, seek pleasure from the magnificent sight of the swans, but the swans on the other hand, have nothing to seek pleasure from because they have been captured and bred in that particular lake for years. Their freedom has been forsaken, and what they see everyday is but the forlorn sight of familiar trees and shrubs. Their life is indeed a sad one.
I Am A Swan
The menacing grip of those ghastly rings
Withholding my desperately fluttering wings.
My emotions they often rise and sink
This hatred for The Intruders I feel not just a tinge.
I must break free.
Captured in this beautiful jail
Through my imprisonment I’ve smoothly sailed
Am I a mere object of utter fascination
Or the sole subject of The Intruders’ obsession?
I am going to break free.
Eccentric glares they frequently shoot at me
I am but an exhibit, I want to flee.
Oh! How I loathe this sensation of being taped
And disallowed to make my saccharin escape.
I am about to break free.
The journey I have crossed is but a sad old song
To set myself free one day I have always sworn.
The Intruders shall pay for their sinful deceit
Those demented rings will leave my feet.
I am breaking free.
Gathering all my supple strength
My wings are about to stretch and expand.
The angst deep down that is outrageously boiling
The screams from beneath
They set me trembling.
The tremendous flames I feel within me
The explosion is coming; I know it, I know it.
Then with a Crack and a Split!
I have broken free.
: )
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