It is obvious that man thinks that nature is part of their tools to use and progress. Man in the current society is too caught up with progress and end up forsaking and destroying nature. They then build gardens and expensive artificial environments to make up for this mistake.
This photo shows one flower blooming while the others are withering from plants at the Botanical Garden. Withering flowers could represent how nature is being overly exploited and dying away. Man has made use of flowers for many purposes; even this photo is part of a purpose, which is to beautify and form part of Botanical Gardens.
The flowers could also be withering due to man’s pathetic attempt in trying to preserve nature. This attempt may not only preserve nature yet serve more harm to it, just like how the flower is withering, nature could well be destroyed. The sight of the only blooming flower could well mean that nature does not give up to all that man is doing and that it would still live through any kinds of disasters that man creates.
Despite the vibrant pink of the blooming flower, it still blends in nicely with the rest of the greenery in the photo. Perhaps it signifies how nature should always maintain a sense of harmony.
This picture depicts two garbage bags on a grass patch between concrete pathways. These garbage bags sitting on the grass patch are not only unsightly; they are also evidence of how man is interfering in the natural cycle of decomposition. This interference could probably signify that the urban society is more powerful than nature.
However, it can also mean that man is finally beginning to notice the power of their pollution and start attempting to make up for all the pollutions that is causing the many natural disasters happening in the world now.
In this photo, the colours do not really blend in with each other as compared to the one with the flowers. The black garbage bag stands out too much, just as how cement buildings would stand out in a natural habitat full of green plants and flowers.
Cai Ximin
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