Monday, 19 March 2007

Yeo Chang Long 2A/06

This photo depicts a scene of a partially sheltered pathway, lined with two tall rows of bushes and trees.

Plants growing above the shelter show nature’s dominance over man’s creations. The plants and the shelter seem to be in harmony because nature is not obstructed by man’s actions, but instead takes advantage of them to expand and flourish.

Notice the sharp contrast between the lighting under the shelter, and the unsheltered pathway. The dark and dank atmosphere under the shelter creates a sense of death and decay, while the bright unsheltered part lined with huge clumps of bushes gives the idea of birth and life. This is because sunlight is often associated with life due to the sun giving off heat and light which is essential for life. The contrast shows that man is obsessed with material progress to the extent of forgetting nature, causing nature to have a low priority in our lives.

The condition of the shelter gives an idea of a prison. The image shows that man has forgotten about nature, and that he should seek reunion with nature, or his connection with it will be lost forever.

This photo depicts a scene of a pathway surrounded by green plants, mostly ferns. The pathway separates two plots of land.

Dead leaves are accumulating on the right side, signifying pollution. Water seeping across the asphalt pathway gives the idea of contamination, and that pollution will become rampant if no actions are taken to protect nature. Dead leaves scattered across the pathway further illustrates the degradation of nature, and the importance of protecting and conserving nature.

The pathway turns to the right and vanishes from sight, giving a sense of mystery as to what lies in the future of man and nature. Also, the fact that the path tilts to the right, to the “polluted” plot of land, implying that the future of nature is inclined to being polluted, showing that if nothing is done to reduce pollution, nature would be destroyed in the near future.

This photo shows that man has neglected nature to the extent of harming it, and that man should start to protect nature, before it is too late save nature from its tragic doom.

This picture depicts the scene of a rotting log amidst some stone slabs.

The rotting log gives a sense of death and decay, while roots appearing from under the log show rebirth and regeneration of nature. This shows that no matter what is done to nature, its own ways of revival after death, and thus causing nature to be more powerful and so superior over man.

The stones are arranged very closely together, suffocating and thus killing many plants. Probably many plants were killed in the process of laying these stones. However, the image shows weeds and other small plants growing between the stones. This shows that nature can withstand the strength of artificial things, and that man will never be able to tame nature, because nature has its own ways of revival and regeneration.

The image of soil starting to cover the stones shows nature overpowering man-made things, showing nature’s superiority over man, further emphasizing that man will never be able to reign over nature.

Yeo Chang Long


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