This picture shows the current situation of the world. That one day, with even more advancement of technology, we would have to replace what nature we once had with fake figurines in various actions the live ones used to do. Also that one day man would take over the whole world including the sky as can be seen by the greenhouse in the back ground. However there is a contrast that the lamp that faces the tree shows more emphasis on the tree as that lamp would illuminate the tree in the dark. Perhaps this would mean that in the darkest times, nature would triumph.
The message in this picture is that maybe one day we would have to recreate nature due to us destroying it but it would end up with nature winning the battle against man with humans destroying themselves in the process.
This photo shows that nature is being surrounded by man yet man is also surrounded by nature in the end. The significance is the ratio of nature to the ratio of man or in this case, man-made structures. It shows the struggles of man trying to conquer nature as can be seen by the structures in the trees. In fact, there is a sense of claustrophobic feeling as the trees seem to engulf the few man-made features yet it does not seem menacing as the sun shines into this enclosure. This symbolises that nature would not harm man.
Interestingly enough, green seems to dominate this photos, green representing nature hence nature’s power against man. What the photo is trying to say is that man can try to control nature but in the end, it will be nature that controls man.
This photo shows the apparent way man is trying to domesticate nature. Firstly, little tags can be seen on the plants. This symbolises man trying to control nature- as if giving a tag would give a sense of belonging to man. The next obvious sign of man’s dominance would be that these plants are kept in a greenhouse, not outdoors in nature, where it truly belongs. Lastly there is a fence separating the people from the plants. It is like keeping a dog in a cage and not letting it out as though separating the plants would help tame them.
This photo shows the apparent way man is treating nature and how man is trying to control nature by using technology to cage up nature which defies the basic principle of nature which is to be free instead of being in an enclosure separated from everyone.
Done by: Claudia Tay 2B/06
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