Monday, 19 March 2007

Yee Hong Yi 2B'06

The inspiration for my poem: Norse mythos which I’ve been fascinated for as long as I can remember. The botanical garden is like another realm, a sanctuary in which nature is preserved in its almost original form; As though time moves slower there, or rather eternal, never changing. I compared this to Asgard, the god’s realm, which is also beautiful, timeless and peaceful, a different world altogether.

World anew
Wind winnowing through thy hair,
Sounds of animals consorting
Wisps whisper in thy ear,
Faeries flit among the bushes.

Trees reaching for the skies,
Seeking the wisdom of Yggdrasil
The swans, pure and white,
Elegant as the valkyries

The water that trickles down,
Doth taste like the grand mead,
Which even the einherjar would covet.

Behold, the world anew
The world apart,
The sanctuary of nature,
Unrivaled by any other.

- Yee Hong Yi

I can’t upload the pictures due to technical difficulties with my digital camera, currently being sent for service.

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