As mentioned above, the creepers and climbers has to rely on the man-made shelter to survive and without man’s intervention, these plants would be regarded as sheer weaklings. Thus, man has control over the lives and fates of these creepers and climbers. While the shelter is firm and strong, these plants are weak and do not even possess the ability to stay upright on its own. In this contrast, nature can be seen as a weakling that man can effortlessly execute manipulation over and that nature succumbs to man easily.
Though the shelter and bench are constructed by man, nature plays a crucial role too. The man-made bench and shelter are able to blend perfectly into the context of the picture and do not look out of place due to the fact that they are made of wood which was originally part of nature. This implies that man can actually coexist with nature as one united entity. Without the raw material provided by nature, these man-made structures would not have existed. It is right to say that both the bench and shelter are man-made, but after all it is nature that granted them life. Thus, with the shelter that is made out of nature over man’s head, this signifies the eventual triumph of nature over mankind and his evil doings and harms done to nature. In addition, the shadow of the shelter cast on man signifies the state of misery and darkness mankind will suffer if one continues to exploit nature. On the contrary, a large tree in the background of the picture is brightly lit by the sunlight. This, on one hand suggests that nature will eventually emerge victorious in the battle with mankind and on the other, signifies that nature is sacred and holy which man should show respect to.
Man’s evil doings and harm done to the environment in the midst of modernizing has already incurred the wrath of Mother Nature and that nature has started to express her discontentment in the forms of natural disasters and climate changes in many parts of the world. Thus, the rubbish bin is there for an essential purpose. It is an attempt by man to maintain the hygiene of the environment which shows man’s concern over nature. By placing a rubbish bin there, it is it is actually man’s effort to conserve and protect nature from further land pollution and harm inflicted in hope of appeasing Mother Nature.
The plants in the picture look aggressive and untamed. Even though these plants do not have the mean to destroy or eliminate the lamp instantly, they will eventually emerge victorious as they grow and envelope the lamp. In our urban society, mankind is destroying nature, oblivious to that fact that nature has already been angered. The consequences of damaging nature are not immediate but will accumulate and eventually show in time to come which is precisely the idea that the picture wants to show. The consequences of our reckless damaging to the nature are already visible in many parts of the world such as the rising of sea levels and the earth’s temperature. Nature has a certain limit of tolerance to the damages inflicted by man upon her, and if man goes beyond that limit, the backlash from nature would solely be man’s fault.
Gui Yu Yang 2B'06
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