This is an image of a plant with weak stems. The stems have to rely on the wooden structure for support in order to reach for sunlight. Man intervenes in the plant’s growth by providing the wooden structure, which is without doubt, for a good purpose. However, planting a few plants in the middle of a cafeteria is not healthy for the plants.
The plants cannot grow properly because its habitat has greatly altered. There is not enough sunlight and the soil looks dead dry. Even though nature cannot reject what has been done, they show the power of nature by growing towards the sunlight, even though they were meant to grow upright. In urban society today, men often alter natural habitats, and nature shows its frustration and anger by ‘disobeying’ man’s desires. When man creates a pathway, plants grow on top of it to reach for sunlight, which is exactly what man do not desire. Natural disasters such as floods, typhoons, are the after-effects of man’s actions and they show the frustration and anger of nature. Even though nature is unable to talk, its actions certainly speak louder than words, and can cause great harm to mankind. However, mankind do not seem to fear nature, and continue to execute plans with harmful effect on nature. In fact, activities that harm the earth are increasing by the day, and minimal action or prevention has been taken. Nature will continue showing its power over mankind, and it may be too late when man finally realise the critical need to remedy the situation
This is an image of a grass patch and palm trees, with an electrical switch box right in the middle. Even though the electrical switch box is relatively small compared to the palm trees, it is an eyesore because it is an artificial object in the midst of nature. This signifies that man has control over what nature look like. Man is able to change and decide how they much or how little of nature they want to see in their surroundings. Man is also able to change how plants and animals look like and behave with technology and science.
In this case, the electrical box was placed there because the managing board decides to do so, and because it is necessary to place an electrical box because it has the switches to the lights. Even though the plants may not be comfortable with what is done, they cannot reject it. In society today, most nature reserves have been altered by man in some way or another. Genetically modified plants, grass with a uniform height and equal distances between trees are just a few examples listed. Animals are fed with the same food so that they can grow into a certain size which will benefit man, either as food or as pets. If they are unable to do so, they will be deemed as useless in the perspective of man, and eventually, they may even be discarded. Indeed, man is in control of nature and there is only a minority group of people who appreciates nature and considers how nature will suffer as a result of man’s actions.
This is an image of a performing stage, in the midst of greenery. The stage is prominent in this case, because the colours are vastly different from the surroundings. The roof of the stage is filled with speakers and spotlights, which signifies the advancement in technology, while the surrounding signifies nature.
Despite the great contrast between technology advancement and nature, there is harmony between man and nature. In this case, man does not exploit nature. Instead, man creates an environment where plants, animals and their habitats are well taken care of. On the other hand, man is able to enjoy the peaceful atmosphere created. Both man and nature can benefit in a scenario like this. It is certainly heart-warming to know that a group of people still makes the effort to take good care of nature. It is unlike the rest of the world, where people execute their plans without considering the negative effects on Nature. Air pollution, droughts, global warming are just a few negative impacts to name. Thus, this is an example of a good relationship between man and nature.
When there is a performance, performers are able to perform for the audience, as well as for nature. It can be imagined as giving a present to nature in the form of performing arts. In the perspective of an audience, audiences are able to watch and listen to not only the performers, but also nature. One is able to watch the sunset, listen to the chirping of birds, and basically, just embracing nature. This shows that nature is still actively involved in our daily lives, even in performances.
Krystal Chew
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