Friday, 16 March 2007

Jimmy Chuk Kam Ying 2C'06

This image depicts a bench under the shelter of nature. There is a contrast of light intensity at the background of the photo compared to the foreground. The background is brighter implying that Man interference in nature has restricted the beauty of nature. The bench is located at the central of the photo, implying how Man has control over nature, overseeing every details of nature. Underneath the bench, it is stepping on the plants and soil showing the dominance Man has over nature, yet at the same time ironically, Man depends on nature for shelter to shield Man from the sun which is also nature. This arrangement of benches under shade provided by plants is commonly seen, this shows how Man has interfered with nature and uses nature to his own advantage. The significance of this photo is that, Man and nature are actually interdependent, yet Man fails to recognise this and continue to exert its limits on nature, controlling nature, suppressing nature when nature has power over Man just like how the glaring sun has its effect on Man.

This image portrays a lamp that is located in the middle of the photo with plants growing around it but divided by a metal wire. There is disharmony portrayed in this image. Firstly, Man represented by the lamp post is positioned at the centre. There are no plants around it within the small circumference. This shows Man superiority over nature and it being a lamp post implies that Man is the light, giving life to nature in the dark and that nature needs Man to survive. Although there are many plants growing around it, it being confined and isolated by a barrier. Over the barrier there is a tall tree with a thick trunk, this seems to imply that nature without Man’s restriction can have a much better development. Man is limiting nature, confining nature to a space which should not be the case because nature is everywhere and it should be given its freedom in turn for its protection and resources. On the other hand, Man is making use of nature characteristic, its continual strive for survival. The plants are starting to cover the barrier that is in its path, which beautify the environment in the process. There is a contrast in the significance of nature to man now and the Romantics. The romantics appreciate nature as what they are and not limiting their growth however Man shapes and influence nature to fit into our urban landscape to beautify the surroundings

This image depicts a lonely swan with broken wings waddling alone across the grass patch finding food. The picture itself speaks a lot about the damage of Man has done to nature. Swan which is normally described as a symbol of grace and beauty now reduced to a skinny bird with broken wings. The broken wings of the swan implies that Man’s activities has restricted nature by damaging its wings preventing it from flying in other words, Man is taking nature’s freedom and rights away. In our urban society, Man is constantly damaging nature through industrial activities, pollution and Nature will gradually unleash its powers over Man such as global warming which will then be too late for regrets. Man needs to reduce his damage to the environment (such as pollution which may be the cause for the broken wings) or more of such disheartening pictures will be captured. Nature will soon loses its beauty and Man will too then be directly affected. Man’s continual effort to urbanised and developed will be pointless without the complement of nature. So why should Man quicken his own destruction through technology and urbanisation? The fact that Nature too has a duality of nature should not be forgotten.
Jimmy Chuk Kam Ying

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