The image above shows a picture of a flower taken from a hole of a leaf. From a quick glance of it, I can already relate this image to the topic of man and nature.
In urban society, Man always looks from a big perspective of nature and usually tends to ignore the smaller things that nature might provide. He does not realize that everything, even the minutest thing, has its own function and beauty. However, when he zooms into the smaller picture, just as how it is represented by the flower seen through the hole of the leaf, he realizes that there is a beauty in nature. The lighting of this image shows a lighting contrast between the leaf and the flower in the hole of the leaf. This makes the viewer to concentrate in the middle of the picture which is what I want to highlight. This further makes the flower in the hole distinctive and its beauty is thus shown.
Also, Man then realizes that one cannot only see things from a macro level, but he must also look from the micro level. This is because nature has its hidden mysteries that cannot be seen if we do not look into its micro level. There are certain mysteries of nature that has inspired Man to find the answers to them.
“At that moment when our eyes are locked in silent communication, we are, in essence, touching.” - Debbie Bailey
Thus, when Man looks deeper into the life of nature, he is “locked into a silent communication” with nature and in a sense, touching it. He then realizes the true beauty that nature provides.
Thus in conclusion, this image shows that nature can be seen from various perspectives. Man usually sees it from a bigger perspective and tends to forget the littlest things that nature might have. What man sees in nature is only the partial truth, or only a shadow of the final truth that is still waiting to be revealed.

When we look closer to the lighting of this picture, we can see two parts to it, the darker side on the right, and the brighter side on the left. The lighted side shows the bright side of life while the dark side shows the problems faced by humans. However, nature will still give guidance and shelter for Man when he is facing any problems. This is well-represented by the tall tress covering the pathway.
There is harmony and balance in this picture. The lighted sight of the image balances with the dark, shadowed part of the image. This creates a well-balanced lighting effect and creates a sense of harmony that nature provides.
I feel that this is a strong picture that clearly represents nature as the spiritual guidance for Man. The never-ending pathway represents the unfolding drama still ahead and upcoming in one’s life. However, no matter where we go and how many obstacles we have to overcome, nature will always be guiding us every step of the way. When we feel a loss of energy and power and a sense of spiritual deadness, we can follow the path nature gives and we are guided through another world, time and again.
In conclusion, I believe that this image also says that no matter how much Man neglects Mother Nature and tries to escape from it due to urbanisation, it is still a part of our lives and guiding us through every single time, just like a real mother. It will always make sure that we will walk safely through the maze of life.
The image above depicts a concrete pavement with a few tiny plants growing in between the cracks of the pavement. Also, if one looks closer to the picture, one might realize that there is a praying mantis that is actually sitting on the plant. It has successfully camouflages itself and at one quick glance, one might actually think that it is a plant and would not have realized that it is actually a praying mantis.
I have chosen this picture as I felt that this picture shows the interdependence between nature and Man and also between nature and nature itself. Firstly, the image of a plant struggling to grow in between the cracks of the pavement shows that nature is struggling to exist in urban society due to the challenges or difficulties urbanization and Man has caused.
Therefore, due to this urbanization, Man has forgotten about nature and tends to neglect it. Thus, nature and nature has to seek solace with each other and creates interdependence between each other. This can be seen from the praying mantis that is sitting on the plant and soon camouflages itself.
There is a balance in this picture and the lighting in this picture is also the same throughout the whole image. Also, the main thing that is concentrated on is the praying mantis since it is in the middle of the picture. Because of this positioning, the image is well-balanced and this shows the harmony between nature and nature itself. However, the distinctive colour of the pavement and the plant, which is grey and green respectively, reflects how nature does not co-exist with Man in urban society.
So in conclusion, this picture clearly shows how nature is struggling in urban society and thus it has to depend on itself for survival.
Nur Atiqah Ismail
TA 2D'o6
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