My group was walking along the roads of Tanglin Core when I turned to the left and took a snapshot. I could hear a tune, a symphony floating through my head when I looked back at the snapshots from the trip. I didn't know how to start this piece, how to link Man and Nature together in a poem of my own, how to capture the breathtaking beauty of something of such simplicity in only words. But after much thinking, I decided it was best to reflect nature in the way this poem was written. So here it is: completely unedited, completely untouched after its first draft. Just like the beauty of nature.

Two white sticks up against a big and burly brown-red tree,
Man supporting Nature in a gesture, seemingly.
Bushes around fall in awe, the
Red clay, pebbles, lace the floor the
Tree stands on. Oh love, the sight, in such despairing heat!
Beauty raw and nature flawless
Come adore what (God-made-)Man has brought us
Come see the light, the tree upright,
And wonder what God had the eye
To put the red clay, green bush, blue
Sky like an orchestra glued,
Conducted by the sticks of Man to make all caged expression free,
Sounds like pure heaven to me, heaven to me.
Eadelin Chantelle Y Dizon
Temasek Academy 2E/06
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