This poem is about how things can be seen through a peaceful man's eyes. In modern day society, many people are too busy to notice the beautiful details of nature. During the first lang. arts lesson, we were discussing about how one can truely know about one's own self, and we concluded that monks/nuns could find their inner true self better than urban dwellers because they are not over-exposed to the hectic lifestyle of modern people. When I saw the two monks at the botanic gardens, I suddenly remembered what we had discussed in class, and decided to write this poem about it.
A Monk's View
Clothed in robes, my lips part:
The shining sun clears my heart
A crimson flower smiles with me
How green, how fresh all that grows
Brushing my cheek, the wind blows
My bare soles cushioned by mud
But oh, my soul grows hard
Of how cruel Man can be
To limit Mother Nature’s flow
We harm what we protect, this we know
They want riches, they want health
All these things considered wealth
I seek peace, I seek tranquility
Reconciliation with humility
To nature, from here I depart
For not till death do we part
Done by Lee Pei Yi 2A'06
Please read the instructions carefully.
WHERE are your photos/images?
Kindly remedy the problem and re-post your poem!
Mr Marcus Tan
I do know that we need to post the photos i just had difficulty. now its fixed.
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