This picture is of a drain next to a fence in the Singapore Botanic Gardens. Although the fence is of urban landscape and the vines growing on it is of nature, they are still in harmony because the vines are growing along the fence and are depending on the fence for support. The vines and fence work together to provide a boundary to cordon off the area, and they complement each other.
The drain next to the fence is of urban landscape while the grass growing around it is of nature. However, both are in harmony as their colours are grey and green, both of dark shades. The grass complements the drain as it acts as a decoration for the sides of the drain and gives a sense of life to and beautifies it. The drain helps to drain away rainwater from the soil and prevent the grass from being submerged in rainwater. Thus they are in harmony as they do not harm each other and share a reciprocal relationship.
However, the vines growing over the drain seems to give a sense that nature is more powerful than urban landscapes as it grows above and across the drain. This is alike the sense given by the vines covering the fence, because the vines overpower the fence and surround it. A sense of helplessness and suffocation somehow surrounds the fence. Therefore, though urban landscape and nature are in harmony in this picture, nature still has the power over urban landscapes in society today.
Picture 2: Tree and pavement

The tree is also surrounded by a fence, and therefore it seems as if it is being trapped between the pavement and the fence, and trapped by urban landscape. However, when it is viewed from a different angle, the tree is actually overpowering the fence and concrete pavement as it is towering over them with its awe-striking height. Therefore this shows the power and might of nature, and that it is not to be trifled with. Already as seen in the photo, the roots of the tree are beginning to cause cracks in the pavement and would soon destroy the pavement if the growth is not controlled. In the background of the picture, the fence also does not really border the tree in as the tree is too tall to be kept enclosed. Rather, there might even be a possibility that the tree would damage the fence if it continues growing. Therefore nature threatens the existence of urban landscape as it can destroy it.
Thus there is conflict and harmony between nature and the urban landscape and nature at the same time. Nature can complement the urban landscape which it is incorporated in and make it look beautiful and yet at the same time it can destroy the urban landscape. Therefore, nature is powerful as it has the power of destruction.
Picture 3:

This is the café located near the entrance of the Singapore Botanic Gardens. The café is surrounded by nature, such as the fountain in the foreground of the picture, which has plants growing from the middle. The fountain is of urban landscape, as it is artificially constructed, while the plants growing out of it is of nature. The plant enhances and beautifies the fountain, while the fountain provides water and a location for the plant to grow. Thus this shows the reciprocal relationship of urban landscape and nature.
The colour combination and lighting of the picture is generally harmonious. There are no clashing colours and the colour tones are mainly the brown of the café’s wooden pillars and the dull green of the plants. This shows that nature and urban landscape can be seen together as one in harmony.
The tall trees in the foreground of the picture provide shade for the urban landscape, and thus complements and beautifies the urban landscape. The trees in the background of the picture however, seem to engulf and surround the urban landscape. This shows the power of nature over the urban landscape. Thus nature holds a powerful position over the urban landscape which it is incorporated in, in urban society today.
The people in the café are enjoying the scenic view and presence of nature while having their meal. Therefore nature acts as a source of rejuvenation of the souls of humans, where they can forget all their troubles and be thankful for nature’s beauty. However, when nature is seen in this urban landscape, it seems to be made use of by Man. Man has utilised nature in this photo in such a way that it seems that he controls all the things in the picture, from how many trees are grown to how this is all arranged into a single space. Therefore this photo shows the power Man has over nature and the urban landscape, and how he incorporates it into one body.
Joella Chua 2A'06
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