The second image is actually taken by a road side. It shows a soft drink can and part of the sewage around some grass. The sewage shows of pollution and the can, litter. Our urban society can either enhance or destroy nature's beauty and this image shows the latter. This is an contrast with the first image where our urban society instead of enhancing the beauty of nature, disfigures it. Nature is definitely more sightly than either the sewage or the litter even with only a little plant there could make that contrast, what more a forest compared to the heaps of rubbish we throw. There is a clear contrast between both our urban society and nature as each taking the right and left side of the picture respectively. This creates some form of gap between the two.

The third image is somewhat like the first image. It shows a clear cut view of a patch of grass with some plants and a rock. It does not seem of much interest other than the fact that the rock is clearly man made upon further inspection. Unlike the waterfall under the tree which is highly unrealistic in a real natural surrounding, this rock in the midst of nature is quite common around. This shows a real blend of our urban society and nature with a man made object created so much like the real and seems in place even when its not. The rock shows greater blening with nature with the presence of moss on it. The rock is somewhat in the centre of the image, showing that man's creation can too, live and work with nature instead of destroying it.
Foo Jie Han
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