Thursday, 15 March 2007

Nurul Dinie Rahadi 2D/06

Image 1:

This image depicts a man-made structure surrounded by plants. Its significance lies in that it depicts the importance of nature in urban society despite the ignorance we show towards it. This image also gives the impression that man and nature is interdependent. The structure provides support for the plants and at the same time, the plants shelter the structure from being continuously exposed to the harsh weather. It is incontrovertible that man cannot live by itself and despite the ignorance we show towards nature, nature is still willing to “protect” us from the harsh reality of life. We should be ashamed of the selfishness we show.
There is also harmony and balance in this image. The earthy colour of the structure enables it to blend with the beauty of nature. The mundane colours of the structure balance out the vibrant colours of the flowers and the leaves. The shadows in the image also balance out the brightness created by the sunlight. These factors create the serenity the image emits.

Image 2:

This image depicts nature being bordered by man, in the sense that the grass is enclosed by the pathway, restricting it from growing any further. It gives a feeling of suffocation and restriction for nature. It also gives the impression that man is in control and despite the vastness of nature, man is still able to do something to stop it from overpowering man. The crane that is peeking from behind the trees also shows that nature is unable to compete with man and that man is in control of the situation.
In my opinion, there is hardly any balance and harmony in this image. The lighting is dim and creates a feeling of gloominess. This sense of despair seems to engulf the whole image. Besides that, the blue sky and the greenery seems to dominate the image, disrupting the harmony and balance the image is supposed to show. Paradoxically, even though the image of nature dominates this image as a whole, the power of man is surfaced in this photo, indicating that man is able to leave an impact on nature, despite how small our actions are.

Image 3:
This image depicts the presence of man in every element of nature. The concrete surrounding the tree restricts the tree from stretching its roots as far as possible and growing as big and tall as possible. The significance of this photo lies in the fact that nature is being weakened by the actions of man. It depicts the selfishness of man, that man only requires the tree to provide shade and beauty to the surrounding. The tree should be allowed to grow without any restrictions as a reward for the shade it provides. The presence of the stroller shows that man is present everywhere. Perhaps not physically but from our actions and the things we leave behind.
There is balance in this image due to the physical composition of the image’s content. The tree balances out the man-made structures, creating a sense of serenity as one element does not dominate the image. The greenery and the earthy colours also balance out the dull colours of the man-made structures. Dim lighting seems to dominate the photo due to the shadows the trees create. The brightness of the sunlight has been blocked by the trees. As a whole, balance and harmony exist in this image despite the imbalances of the lighting.

Nurul Dinie Rahadi

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