Monday 19 March 2007

Jonathan Peh 2B/06


This poem was inspired when I saw a little boy playing soccer with his grandfather. When he was chasing after the ball, he is unknowingly crushing the grass under his feet. This demonstrates Man’s ignorance to Nature during his path to achievement. By using a young boy to represent Man, this gives us a horrifying image that Man can be destructive even at such a tender age.


That day in the garden I saw
A boy clad in orange and yellow and dainty white
Running amok swinging his arms
Brandishing Nature in his palms

“Cute!” was what I heard
But they failed to notice
In the boy’s fazed expression, tears

Blemishes in his exterior
Probed me
To find out what was happening.

I spotted a lil’ spotted ball
Of white and black, maybe more

Nature’s a cunning one I thought
But maybe that’s tit for tat, or maybe not

Still trampling through the grasslands
The young boy was, like an ox
Till he turned around

He scampered to the ball
With his midget legs
Crushing Nature in the process
But no, Man didn’t care.

Running to the ball
His legs swung high
“Twack” the ball flew high
The cycle repeats.


Jonathan Peh
